by Bowls ACT on January 10, 2019

(Article courtesy Bowls Australia)

The first Bowls-related diploma course, the Diploma of Sports Administration (Lawn Bowls), is now set to begin in February.

Due to scheduling conflicts with events in the national bowls calendar, particularly relating to the upcoming BPL09 and Australian Open events, the start of the new Diploma of Sports Administration (Lawn Bowls) has been delayed until next month.

This course is a great opportunity for people keen on pursuing a career in the sport to get formal credentials through a recognised industry leader, AFL Sportsready, who are Bowls Australia’s (BA) education and trainer partner.

If you were thinking about undertaking this course, but the face-to-face component clashed with other events, then now is the perfect time to reconsider.

The initial two classes pursuing the diploma commence on February 4 and 11, in Victoria and NSW respectively.

If you would like to know more information please contact BA’s Education and Training Coordinator – Michael Beaumont at or on 0478 692 896

Important information – Diploma of Sports Administration (Lawn Bowls)

For individuals

  • It is cost-effective ($2500 for an eight-month course) compared to approximately $6000-8000 for a first-year degree
  • Can be done through a traineeship
  • Completion of the Diploma gives direct entry to second-year university of a Business degree at partner universities (partner universities available in each state)
  • Small class sizes provide great support
  • Flexible online education as well as four group training opportunities
  • An Alumni that provides for ongoing connectivity and support

For Clubs

  • It is low-cost, industry-specific training with a recognised RTO
  • Provides well-trained, focused staff for your club’s future
  • Provides a career path for young players allowing clubs more flexibility when recruiting
  • Provides better sporting outcomes for all players
  • Improves financial literacy for bowls co-ordinators
  • Should pay for itself through new income streams

For the industry

  • Further professionalises the sport
  • Creates greater bandwidth, a larger pool of trained talent
  • Keeps players involved in the sport
  • Move toward evidence-based decision making
  • Move toward best-practice standards
  • Move toward innovation and best-sporting standards
  • Creation of a Diploma Group leads to a better connected and larger employment pool