2017 Men’s Fours Championships
The Men’s Fours Championships is open to all male bowlers registered with Bowls ACT.
Team members must be from the same Club. The 2017 event will be held at Canberra Bowling Club on 7-8 October (rounds) and finals on 15 October. Please note that due to the change of dates by Bowls Australia for the National Senior Sides, should any players who have been selected for the ACT Senior Sides Team make it through to the finals, then the date for finals will be changed to allow them to compete in both events.
Entries Close 27 September 2017.
Entry fee – $15 per person CLICK HERE TO ENTER
Payment details follow:
Cheque: Payable to ‘Bowls ACT’.
Credit Card via phone 6257 3560
Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS in person to the Bowls ACT Office, 71 Maclaurin Cr, Chifley. (opening hours 9.00-12:30 M-Th in August, 9:00 – 5:00 M-Th – September – recommend calling prior!)
Direct Debit – Account Name: Bowls ACT, BSB 062-907 Account No. 1023 5814
(N.B . Please advise Bowls ACT when a ‘Direct Debit’ is made and include the players name in the text).
The Entry Form becomes a Tax Invoice for GST purposes once payment is received in full by Bowls ACT. The Men’s Fours Championships is open to all male bowlers registered with Bowls ACT.
Team members must be from the same Club. The 2017 event will be held at Canberra Bowling Club on 7-8 October (rounds) and finals on 15 October. Please note that due to the change of dates by Bowls Australia for the National Senior Sides, should any players who have been selected for the ACT Senior Sides Team make it through to the finals, then the date for finals will be changed to allow them to compete in both events.
Entries Close 27 September 2017.
Entry fee – $15 per person Click Here to Enter
Payment details follow:
Cheque: Payable to ‘Bowls ACT’.
Credit Card via phone 6257 3560
Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS in person to the Bowls ACT Office, 71 Maclaurin Cr, Chifley. (opening hours 9.00-12:30 M-Th in August, 9:00 – 5:00 M-Th – September – recommend calling prior!)
Direct Debit – Account Name: Bowls ACT, BSB 062-907 Account No. 1023 5814
(N.B . Please advise Bowls ACT when a ‘Direct Debit’ is made and include the players name in the text).
The Entry Form becomes a Tax Invoice for GST purposes once payment is received in full by Bowls ACT.