Extreme Weather Reminder
CIRCULAR 3 of 2019
This is just a reminder of the need to apply common sense during this period of extreme hot weather. The health and safety of players is paramount. It also needs to be recognized that individuals have different tolerances to heat and can be affected when conditions are well beneath the official cutoff temperatures. If someone is suffering unduly, please support them and make sensible decisions! No game is worth dying (or becoming ill) for!
On that note, some have asked for the Bowls ACT policy on this. We no longer have a specific policy but the matter is covered in the CoP
2.15 Inclement Weather
(a) Bowls ACT events are to be conducted in line with the principles of the Bowls Australia Weather policy.
(b) On days of extreme heat:
- Where the ambient temperature at a venue of play reaches 38 degrees Celsius or the apparent temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius players shall complete the end currently being played after which play shall be suspended by the Controlling Body until the temperature drops below these levels within 60 minutes of the suspension, play may be abandoned for the day at the discretion of the Controlling Body.
- Temperature readings shall be taken at the venue no less often than half-hourly on days of extreme heat. Where there are no adequate facilities for gauging ambient and apparent temperatures at the venue of play the readings used shall be those posted on the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) web site for Canberra Airport or Tuggeranong weather stations, whichever is closer to the venue of play. This web site must be checked half-hourly on days of extreme heat. Appendix C specifies the BoM weather station to be used for each respective Club.
- If during Pennant competition the Controlling Body is unable to take temperature readings (or check the BoM web site) the readings should be taken (or the web site checked) by the side managers and reported to the Controlling Body half-hourly.
The BA Weather Policy is available here: https://www.bowls.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/WEATHER-POLICY.pdf