Pennant Updates
CIRCULAR 5 of 2019
1. There has been a change to some of the draws originally published. Grade 5 Men has been totally redone,
following the inclusion of a new team. (NB: link on website was temporarily not working – should be fine
now); Women’s grade has had one round removed (was a duplicate), resulting in removal of the double
header, and shuffling of subsequent rounds; some venue typos have been corrected.
2. In the women’s grade, at the completion of all rounds, the grade will be split into the top four placed teams
(which will then become grade 1) and the next four placed teams (which will then become grade 2).
Grades 1 and 2 will each play a ‘normal’ finals series with the home venue for the semi and preliminary
finals being the team that finished 1st for grade 1 and 5th, for grade 2. This change is in response to
requests from clubs to split the grades.
3. Attached is a paper with updated Conditions of Play for Pennants. These updates supersede those
contained in previous versions of the CoP.
4. Cards and result pro-formas will be distributed to clubs during the next week. However, clubs are
reminded of the requirement to enter teams, update results AND forward results to Bowls ACT each week.
There are instructions on how do this (fundamentally unchanged from previous years) so if anyone would
like the instructions, please get in touch with the office.
5. I have now received all of the responses to the request for pennant club contacts. These will be forwarded
separately, not to the full mailing list. The contact list should be the first point of contact when arranging a
different playing time, and/or advising of wet weather situations. Please note that Bowls ACT should also
be informed!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if any of the above is unclear.
Link to Pennant COP Amendments
Kate Lyttle
Executive Officer