BowlsLink – Competition Training
For the 2023 season all Bowls ACT competitions will need to be entered using BowlsLink. While this process may be new to some members, Bowls ACT will be available to support members and clubs beginning with a session based around competition management, hosted by Bowls Australia’s Jess Alvaro with support from Bowls ACT EO Nick Hind.
Clubs are invited to register as many participants as they desire for this session, to be hosted at the Chifley Community Hub – Corner Maclaurin &, Eggleston Cres, Chifley ACT
Session times are 12-2pm or 6-8pm on Tuesday December 6th
Clubs are invited to bring in their nominations or draws for upcoming or current championships with Jess and Nick available to assist in the creation of these competitions in BowlsLink and can support the upskilling of members of your club to better utilise the software and reduce the volunteer workload.