Casual Board Vacancy
Chloe Morrison has informed Bowls ACT of her resignation from the
Chloe Morrison has informed Bowls ACT of her resignation from the
Bowls ACT advise all clubs and members that the 2024 North
Following a strong 2023 campaign, Bowls ACT are excited to open
Bowls ACT welcome two new directors and a new president The
The Bowls ACT board of directors announce the appointment of Neil
To be held Tuesday April 9th at 5;30pm in The Athllon
The NEW Bowls ACT Activations Committee able to showcase the sport
Will Penny has informed Bowls ACT that he is resigning from
With the announcement of the 2024 Bowls ACT AGM Bowls ACT
As per Clause 12.1 of the Bowls ACT Constitution, notice is