
In accordance with the Bowls ACT Constitution, the Board has the power to  establish and delegate any of its functions, powers or duties to such committee or committees as it thinks fit. 

Current Committees:

2025 Match Committee

Match Committee:  The purpose of the MC is to:

  1. Provide recommendations and advice to the Board, and Executive Officer (EO), on strategic and/or policy matters relating to the conduct of Pennant and Championship events conducted under the auspices of Bowls ACT
  2. Assist the EO in relation to the planning, preparation, conduct and review of Pennant and Championship events.

Match Committee Terms of Reference

2025 Coaching Committee

Coaching Committee: The purpose of the Coaching Committee is to:

  1. Create, plan, develop and organise a high quality coaching program on behalf of Bowls ACT
  2. Provide recommendations and advice to the Board and Executive Officer (EO), to ensure that sufficient coaches are accredited in the ACT to meet club and state coaching requirements and other coach related matters.
  3. Be a centre of excellence on coaching for Bowls ACT.

Coaching Committee Terms of Reference

2025 Umpires Committee

Officiating Committee:  The purpose of the Officiating Committee is to:

  1.  Create, plan, develop and organise a high quality officiating program on behalf of Bowls ACT, including accreditation and re-accreditation of National Umpires, Markers and Measurers.
  2. Provide recommendations and advice to the Board and Executive Officer (EO), to ensure that sufficient officials are accredited in the ACT to meet club and state requirements.

Umpiring Committee Terms of Reference

Finance, Audit & Risk Committee: The purpose of the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee is to:

  1. Assist in providing oversight to the governance and financial integrity of Bowls ACT, including internal controls, policies and procedures.
  2. Ensure compliance with legal, regulatory and compliance requirements.

Finance, Audit, Risk Committee Terms of Reference – Draft

Activations Committee: The purpose of the Activations Committee is to:

  1. Be a driver for new opportunities to engage with the community
  2. Ensure our sport is represented with external organisations
  3. Have the ability to deliver programs to capture non-traditional participants (schools, all-abilities, non-club).
  4. Develop Terms of Reference

2025 Representative Committee