Bowls ACT Congratulate All Our Sides Representatives
Fantastic performances from open & senior squad players at The Nationals

With the final match of the open sides series completed today Bowls ACT wish to formally congratulate all who have been involved in what has been an overall outstanding campaign. All Bowls ACT members can be proud of the players who have been selected and have represented themselves, their clubs and Bowls ACT with distinction. All teams have made strides in performance with ACT surprising many of the bigger and better resourced states. Bowls ACT wish to commend all who have been involved from the representative nomination process, to all who attended training sessions and to the coaches, managers, selectors and players for developing such a strong culture of success.
A full report will come soon but for now we can say that the ACT sides can be proud to have taken rinks and big-boards off plenty of the bigger states, retained the Territories Shields and generally shown that a champion team will compete any day! Congratulations to everyone involved and safe travels home!