2024 ACT Singles Championships – Nominations Now Open
Bowls ACT are excited to announce that nominations for the 2024 State Mens and Womens Singles and the Graded Reserve Singles are now open!

The ACT State Singles are to be held at Queanbeyan RSL Memorial Bowling Club and Queanbeyan Bowling Club. Sectional play is scheduled for the 11th of May with the 12th of May spare. Post Sectional games are to be played on the 18th, 19th and 25th of May with the 26th of May spare.
The ACT Graded Reserve Singles are to be held at Belconnen Bowling Club. Sectional play is scheduled for the 11th of May with the 12th of May spare. Post Sectional games are to be played on the 18th and 19th of May with the 25th of May spare.
Please note Graded Reserve Eligibility will be based off the 2024 season.
Nominations are now closed. Stay tuned for the draw out soon!
Event Format – ACT State Singles
- An open draw will be conducted prior to the event. Maximum two (2) trial ends shall be permitted at the commencement of each game.
- Format is four bowl singles. Number of shots to be determined based on nominations.
- BA Approved Club Uniform is to be worn.
- Event winners will be eligible to represent ACT at the 2024 Nationals
- Prizes – Badges will be awarded plus $200pp for the winners and $100pp for the runners-up.
- The host club is the event controlling body. The controlling body may change the event format if required due to inclement weather.
Determination of winners (sectional play)
- Points
- Score difference (margin)
- Score Percentage (Shots for divided by shots against)
- If all are tied then the result of the game between the two tied players will determine the player to advance.
Event Format – ACT Graded Reserve Singles
- An open draw will be conducted prior to the event. Maximum two (2) trial ends shall be permitted at the commencement of each game.
- Dead ends do not count – ends to be replayed.
- Format is 4 bowl singles. 2 sets of 9 ends with a 3 end tie breaker if needed.
- BA Approved Club Uniform is to be worn.
- Prizes – Badges will be awarded plus $100pp for the winners and $50pp for the runners-up.
- The host club is the event controlling body. The controlling body may change the event format if required due to inclement weather.
Determination of winners (sectional play)
- Points
- Score difference (margin)
- Score Percentage (Shots for divided by shots against)
- If all are tied then the result of the game between the two tied players will determine the player to advance.